“Fairy Garden” – Wellness Centre for pampering the body

The harmful effects of our hectic life can be faced day by day, so we have to provide ourselves with a
bit of a relaxation from time to time. The Wellnes Centre of the Elizabeth Hotel is a perfect venue for
If you feel yourself fine and are satisfied with your appearance, the gained balance will at the same
time result in growing self-confidence. Joyful and successful people are not only radiant with inner
beauty, but become ill less frequently.
To realize the beauty of life it is essential to purify body and soul. We help you ease the intellectual
stress, and calm body and soul.
Our passion is to let everybody leave us only if they are made happier and more beautiful. Allow
yourself to be pampered in the Enchanted Garden Wellness Centre of our hotel, where you can
unwind in an amazing environment with a wide range of services every day of the week.

Open Hours:

  • Monday – Friday: 10:00-20:00

  • Saturday: 9:00-21:00

  • Sunday: 8.00-20:00

Book a Room!

If you like Our hotel, book your room today through Our online booking service, or calculate prices.

The 50m² big swimming pool in the Fairy Garden Wellness Centre is equipped with a counter flow
system, as well as with some hydro massage adventure elements. Those wishing to regenerate with
the underwater jet massages can choose from 3 sitting, 2 lying and 6 standing posts. The pool of 27-
34 °C allows you to feel yourself as if having a bath in a lake with butterflies and fairies around you.
Due to the body warmth of the water it has a calming effect, especially beneficial in case of insomnia
or stress.

There is a Jacuzzi at our guests disposal suitable for 4 people at a time. In the whirlpool you can
enjoy the massaging process of the rising compressed air and the water jet coming from the
sprinklers at the same time. Have a 15-minute dip in the 34°C-hot water of the Jacuzzi and you will
surely find your muscles relaxed, moreover it improves the blood flow. These pools are not
recommended for guests with diabetes or with varicose veins.

In our spa centre you can take Kneipp cold footbaths, which imitates as if you were walking in a
mountain stream. Pacing on the plain pebbles placed at the bottom of a pool filled with approx. 35-
cm-deep cold water you can feel totally refreshed.

The 30 °C – hot wet sauna with aromatic evaporation may be a real treat for those not keen on the
high temperature of the Finnish sauna, or the humid air in the steamroom. You can enjoy the
healing, calming and stress relieving effect of the various aromatic oils lying on the heated benches.

The Finnish sauna is made of Abachi tree and can seat six guests at a time. The high (80-90° C)
temperature and low humidity (10%) stimulates the blood flow and eases up and refreshes body and
soul. Arthritis, allergy or pure circulation can be well treated with sauna.
Don’t miss taking a shower after sauna as it will make you even more refreshed. It takes only 10
seconds for the freezing cold water poured onto your body to cool you as if being soaked in a
waterfall or a summer shower of rain.

Our spa centre features a 5-person steam room where the 43°C temperature and the 100% humidity
provide you with perfect relaxation. The hot steam opens the pores, clears away toxins and calms the
body. The use of the steam room helps to treat asthma, rheumatism, muscle pains as well as certain
circulatory failures.

Sport is a perfect source of joy, being free of stress and even entertaining!
It activates the blood and lymph flow, thus the roughage is carried away more quickly. In our fitness
room you can do your exercises with either dumbbells or with cardio machines. A pulse metre is
available at the wellness reception, and our colleagues will be happy to help you set the most
appropriate programme for you.

In the upright solarium the effect of the sun rays will evoke a happy and refreshing feeling. Solarium
is suggested three times a week at the most, for minimum six minutes.

The walls of the therapic salt cave are covered with salt bricks from the Himalaya, and salt-cats from
Parajd. The excellent vital effects of the evaporating salt are enhanced by the salty sea air blown into
the salt-cave. During the salt therapy the humidity in the salt-cave reaches 70-90 %, while the
temperature being 20-24°C. The evaporating salt has positive external and internal effects on the
body: softens the skin, and inhaling it has antiphlogistic effects. It is appropriate to cure illnesses of
the respiratory organs, asthma, articular diseases as well as dermatologic disorders. It improves the
stamina, helps the detoxification of the blood, as well as slows down the ageing process.

80 % of the heat conveyed by the red-rays in the infrasauna is concentrated in the body itself, while
it is only 20% in a traditional type sauna. The 30-35°C temperature is more beneficial for the heart,
the inhaled air does not burn, and as it deeply diffuses in the epidermis of the skin, it may be even
more effective than in a traditional sauna.

Take a glance at our gallery…

Plan your visit according to our latest offers and current occupancy, then make a reservation swiftly in the Elizabeth Hotel****, in Gyula city. In case of occurring questions concerning the booking process, please contact us.